Published by the students and teachers active in CES' Technology Program.
For more information, contact John Hartranft

Friday, September 26, 2008

Learning Networks @ CES: Big and Small

First, the BIG...

CES is fortunate to have Mr. Jack Shabe's expertise this school year. Mr. Shabe has contributed a considerable amount of time helping us troubleshoot technical problems with our computer network, classroom computers, and other "techie" things. He and Mr. Eric Jorgensen, CES' network administrator, are contributing professional services to the school valued at more than $20,000 (!!!)...certainly a significant amount of savings to the school. And their work is often done behind the scenes without notice. For their BIG contribution to our school's technology infrastructure: THANK YOU!

Now, the small...

Mr. Shabe set up the school's digital microscope in the middle school science lab. The microscope is connected to a computer that enables students to see items on slides, capture images and video, take measurements, and explore the world at a smaller scale.

Perhaps our 6th graders will make an video featuring our friendly neighborhood protozoa and post it to their 6th Grade Video Arcade???