Published by the students and teachers active in CES' Technology Program.
For more information, contact John Hartranft

Friday, September 26, 2008

Learning Networks @ CES: Big and Small

First, the BIG...

CES is fortunate to have Mr. Jack Shabe's expertise this school year. Mr. Shabe has contributed a considerable amount of time helping us troubleshoot technical problems with our computer network, classroom computers, and other "techie" things. He and Mr. Eric Jorgensen, CES' network administrator, are contributing professional services to the school valued at more than $20,000 (!!!)...certainly a significant amount of savings to the school. And their work is often done behind the scenes without notice. For their BIG contribution to our school's technology infrastructure: THANK YOU!

Now, the small...

Mr. Shabe set up the school's digital microscope in the middle school science lab. The microscope is connected to a computer that enables students to see items on slides, capture images and video, take measurements, and explore the world at a smaller scale.

Perhaps our 6th graders will make an video featuring our friendly neighborhood protozoa and post it to their 6th Grade Video Arcade???

Thursday, September 25, 2008

6th Grade Video Arcade, Featuring Frank's Music Animation

Sixth Grader Frank M. produced a music video that brings his stick figures to life. For all of you Jonas brothers Fans, here's an opportunity to see a fun animation choreographed to a good tune. See below, or check it out on the Sixth Grade Video Arcade page on the Cardinals Nest web space.

Good work, Frank!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Teachers Are Learners, Too!

It was a half day for students today, but school was in session in the afternoon for CES teachers. Teachers worked on curriculum development, planning, and their own professional development. The photo below was taken during a curriculum mapping training session in the middle school computer classroom.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mrs. Morgan's Lower School Computer Showcase

The CES Tech Department is expanding it's communications online using several web 2.0 technologies. Check out the new student web space (called the Cardinal's Nest), where CES students will be publishing images, writings, webcasts during the school year.

And, in addition to Mr. Hartranft's CES Tech Journal, which primarily focuses on the news and events from the CES Middle School Technology Program, Mrs. Morgan has created a newsy--and fun--website featuring happenings in the Lower School computer classes. DON'T MISS the slide show on the first grade self-portraits !! Our first graders are GOOD!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

School Picture Day!

It was a day of well-combed/brushed hair and lots of smiles. On School Picture Day, the photographers take student portraits that end up in the school yearbook, a publication that we keep in our homes for a lifetime. If you missed out on having your portrait taken, or simply prefer to have your portrait taken again, be ready with your comb and smile on November 20, School Picture Make-Up Day.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

5th Grade Drawings Featured on Online Exhibit

Visit the Cardinals' Nest Wiki to view gallery of 5th Grade drawings.

CES fifth grades students reviewed the parts of a computer, and then illustrated them using a simple imaging software program (Paint). CES students learn to create an original image using several image editors and save it in several different file formats.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lower School Computers Update

CES computer teacher Ellen Morgan has been busy enhancing the lower school technology program. In addition to setting up eight new computers in the lower school computer classroom, she set up iMac computers in each K-3 classroom and in the preschool. Mrs. Morgan also produces The Chronicle, school ads, signs, and has a creative touch when putting together her bulletin board in the hallway outside of her classroom (an inside source tells me there is a special "spooky" something happening in Mrs. Morgan's her classroom in October)!

Check out the bulletin board at Lower School Back to School Night tonight!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Picture of The Day

The CES Class of 2009 began the long process of producing the school yearbook.

We turned 2008 yearbook inside out and upside down (literally...take a closer look!) to generate ideas for this year's publication.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mr. H's Computer Classes: Week 1 Civility

In the Jefferson Building computer lab this week, CES students in grades four through eight focused on various aspects of civility, ethics, and the CES Honor Code. Discussions centered around how to decide to "do the right thing" in the computer classroom and when using technology tools.

Of note were the fourth graders, who, after reading a few passages from George Washington's Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation, quickly figured out the three basic rules of Mr. H's classroom:

> Respect others
> Respect the equipment
> Respect yourself

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Article on Educational Technology

This back-to-school article on technology appeared in the Washington Post this morning.


Back to the Books (and Laptops)
By Theresa Vargas

French teacher Normandie Lee stood in front of her class yesterday, face to face with the electronic whiteboard she had just learned how to use, and confessed, "Okay, I'm scared."

To view the entire article, go to

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Scenes from The First Day of School

Brought to you by the CES Technology Department.