More than a few people have asked me this question in one form or another, and for a variety of reasons, so I thought it merits an answer here in the CESTJ.
Here's a pretty good entry from Wikipedia:
Web 2.0 is a term describing changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to enhance creativity, information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities and its hosted services, such as social-networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies. Read more >> (source: , accessed 6 October 2008)
OK, but what does "Web 2.0" have to do with CES?
Quick Answer: communications, collaboration, sharing
Tell me more...How is CES using Web 2.0 applications to enhance/extend learning at CES?
This CES Tech Journal newsletter is actually a blog published using Google Blogger. Did you know that you can subscribe to articles posted on the CESTJ? Click on the subscribe button and choose how you wish to receive the articles using your RSS reader.

We're publishing student-produced multimedia on the Cardinals' Nest, which uses a collaborative publishing tool called a wiki. Not much on the Cardinals' Nest yet, but be sure to check back during the year for more student-produced video, webcasts, images. Think of the Cardinals' Nest as the Tech Department's bulletin board....except we can post slide shows, sound and video!
Another promising Web 2.o technology is the social networking tool Ning. The families in Mrs. Beaudoin's preschool Bugs class have created their own Ning to share photos, communicate with each other, post calendar items, and more. You must be a member of the Bug's Ning (approved by the Ning administrator) to view any of the content, so there are safeguards in place.
What can I do to understand these technologies better?
From my experience, and in talking with parents and teachers within and outside the CES community, the best way to understand these technologies is to jump in and test the waters, so to speak. Be prudent about your content, practice good Internet safety, and consider how you can apply these tools to add value to your extended network.
Your comments are welcome.